Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanks Giving/Beginning a new Season

Happy Thanks Giving!

So after a long time of using the other .Mac web site I finally decided that I would never invest in the year payment option. With that decided its time to get this blog rolling once again.

After what was a pretty lousy first year in the U23 ranks I was really demoralized; now however I feel like a kid who just got his first new bike. I have been riding a lot and have never had so much motivation. I am really excited, especially if I can keep all of this momentum that I currently have rolling through the new year. What's caused the sudden change in feeling towards training??? Well I have started working with a new coach, Max Testa. I first talked to Max last year at a training camp with U23/VMG team in Salt Lake City. Now that I have started working with him I feel like I am making the right steps to make next year the best it can possibly be.
After finding a new coach who I liked I now needed to find a team that I could ride for, and after much talk JV decided to give me a second chance in the sport by offering me the final spot on his new U23 development team that is a part of the Slipstream family which is really cool. I am very thankful for all of the opportunities that I have laying in front of me.
The only thing that is not going so well as of late is that I had my "wisdom" teeth pulled 2 days ago. I was able to ride today with out much pain but the grand thanksgiving meal that I had helped my mom cook was another story. It was a bummer to no be able to eat much turkey or anything really besides Stuffing and Mashed Potatoes.

Well I hope that everyone had a good thanks giving!


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