Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mustache March!

So I was finally able to race this last sunday! It was much needed. The group rides out of Boulder are just so sketchy. So 60 riders started, I think only 16 or so finished on the same lap. 10 of those in the lead group that consisted of mostly Toyota United riders like Henk Vogles, Baldwin, England, Clarke then there was Hamilton Dan Schmatz and Stefano. Unfortunately I was racing more like a road race and was always in the top 5, so when moves went it was really hard to go with it without the whole peloton sitting on me. Unfortunately I could not get into any of the good moves. I was strong even though the whole week previous had been easy because of getting used to a new position and new shoes.Oh well, it was hard and I got some good work in. 1100 KJ's in a hour aint bad.

But it is march, and with it comes a mustache, or mullet if you have the hair for it. I dont really have either but I have given it my best try. Just looks dirty like I cant afford a razor. Oh well. I guess I will have it right up until Redlands.

Might not be able to see it, but trust me its there in all of its glory.


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